Sunday, June 30, 2019

Expelled From Paradise

Spoilers Ahead

Seriously, Don’t keep reading if you don’t want to have the movie spoiled!

Just so we’re clear, you are about to read my thoughts that contains a great deal of spoilers concerning “Expelled From Paradise” which is a 2014 Japanese Animation (Anime) Movie, if this is correct, thanks for being here and read on! TL;DR is near the bottom.

The animation/art style is “computerized,” if you’ve ever watched RWBY you know what I’m talking about but not as noticeable as RWBY. Often as I was watching I imagined it as a Visual Novel, which is a game usually based around conversation choices and sometimes combat or puzzle gameplay in added in. 

Within the first three minutes we hit the action, the hacker who calls himself, Frontier Setter, is introduced and our assumed hero, Security System 3rd Officer Angela Balzac, jumps into action even though some rando was hitting on her for having such an upscale avatar. Angela loads up a system dialysis and quickly find a source to attack, she gets pixelated up and sucked into the system to fight, which she does with multiple copies of herself, all different colors, all naked! Unfortunately, the hacker gets away. 

We soon learn, Frontier Setter has made 184 hacking attempts, each one carried out over data links from “The Surface” aka Earth, they believed him to be someone who was denied access to the DEVA program. So they decide to send security system agents to the surface in actual bodies. Angela’s Earthly body is of a 16 year old girl with large chest balloons … *Knock, Knock* Is that FBI at my door? 

For some reason, when she gets to the surface she attempts to eat dirt… for someone of her intelligence, this seems really out of character, even if she doesn’t know much about Earth, one would think she wouldn’t assume the ground was edible, she didn’t go to the virtual beach and taste the sand. MECHS! MECHS! She hops into a MECH, known as AHN Units, to fight these huge sand worms when trying to catch up with her Earth contact who is meant to help her do her job, Dingo. Dingo starts off wasting 7 mins and 20 seconds of Angela’s time, she mentions this when she starts acting like an attention seeking teen wanting to find Frontier Setter before any of the other agents coming along after her so she can get all the credit instead of working as a team to protect DEVA. Yeah I know, she’s in a 16 year old body, but her mind isn’t 16 so she shouldn’t be acting like a teen. We later learn her reason for wanting all the credit, so she can move up the ladder in DEVA.

OH BOO, the mech is taken out, only to be used once, can you say disappointed. I still searched for a Angela Balzac & Unit Model Kit, which by the way, I couldn’t find, though I did find a Frontier Setter model kit! Dingo and Angela choose to go on without connection to the DEVA system so that they may use Angela’s colleagues as decoys for Frontier Setter’s hacking. I’ll admit, she’s a dedicated woman, even when sick, she chooses to get better the human way instead of linking back up with DEVA to get access to the perfect medicine to heal her. 

By the way, her shoes make no sense, it’s like she’s prancing around in stiff ballerina slippers. 

Frontier Setter uses other robots, both new and old to collect material for him. It is soon revealed Frontier Setter is an Artificial Intelligence who became self aware and he continued work on the Genesis Ark project alone. He did the project in secret due to other competition. The reason Frontier Setter hacked into DEVA was to find others to act as Crew members for the Genesis Ark so that humans could explore space and find new lands. He chose to hack instead of requesting assistance from DEVA due to DEVAs inability to see the value in the expedition and would turn him away and possible destroy what he worked so long and hard on, around 110 years.

Frontier and Dingo get along very well off the bat, Frontier even created his own version of some music, which Dingo loved, makes him pretty awesome in my book too! Frontier has decided to stop hacking DEVA and attempt to leave Earth on his own. Thinking about his name, Frontier Setter is quit fitting, I wonder if he gave it to himself or was he programmed with it.

Angela’s character did grow a bit, she realizes Dingo was a big help in her finding Frontier Setter and shows hope that he’ll join her back at DEVA, but Dingo explains why he would rather live on Earth. DEVA is the type of society that caters only to those that can provide the best to DEVA, where you’re evaluated and judged around the clock, but on Earth, everyone gets sick, everyone has ups and downs but it all depends on how you keep going. Be judged as not important in DEVA, and you’re put into cold storage. Yes, that’s right DEVA is the enemy! What did you expect, it’s a program that judges you and raises you basically.

The higher ups are these huge statues. These statue’s became upset with Angela for allowing Frontier Setter to go free and did not want to listen to reason, that Frontier is a good robot and not at all dangerous. After standing up for what she believes and refusing to destroy Frontier, they designated Angela as a security risk and sentenced her to imprisonment and no longer an officer nor a citizen of DEVA. 

Why is it when Angela goes back she isn’t placed into her original body? Probably due to her mission not being complete.

It’s so weird seeing her become blocky when she and Frontier are escaping DEVA.

YES, FINALLY MORE ACTION! This movie had a lot less action than I expected. Angela’s intelligence takes over a Mech and launches several weapons that can connect to her currently Unit body, she freaking uploaded herself into a MECH! I have to say, that battle was pretty enjoyable! 

Admittedly I teared up when Dingo told Frontier Setter to tell those he meets on his travels that he is a “child of humanity.” Yes you are little bot, yes you are! 

To give us something nice to listen to I suppose, Dingo sings a song, it still in Japanese if you’re watching dubbed so put on subtitles, it’s was inspirational! Frontier Setter launches off into space and Angela and Dingo start a journey on Earth together, I wonder what’s in the future for those two.

I wish I couldn’t seen more from inside DEVA, like how life works and just the day to day dealings. 

This story takes place in a very far away future where most of humanity is looked after and living within a program known as DEVA. These humans start off as flesh and blood but eventually are transferred into data and however they choose to live and serve DEVA is how good their life is going to be. DEVA begins having trouble with a hacker who seems to be very capable of eluding all security systems and could possibly destroy DEVA if he wanted to but he ends up being a good guy, an artificial intelligence even, who became self aware and would not like to see humans come to harm, instead he wants humans to journey with him on a project known as Genesis Ark, which was his purpose for hacking DEVA in the first place. In the end, a huge battle occurs between Angel, who became imprisoned for taking up for Frontier and then saved by Frontier, and other DEVA agents as they are on a mission to destroy Frontier Setter. He escapes alone on his space expedition and Angela along with her new colleague, Dingo, begin a Earthly journey of their own.

PS. There is a small amount of nudity and some Mech experience.

Disclaimer: This podcast, blog, and all other accounts is not associated with, funded or sponsored by Funimation or any other anime streaming sites.

Week 2 of Anime Viewing

For my next written review, I’m going to be watching “Expelled from Paradise.” This is a 2014 animated film, directed by Seiji Mizushima and is an action anime. As you may have noticed, for my written reviews I plan to focus on only movies as I tend to ramble on a bit as it is, writing about full seasons of a series may be a bit too much for a blog. I will also focus on anime not available on Funimation’s App, as to keep the flow of the podcast going smoothly. This film can be viewed on Netflix!

“Expelled from Paradise” is a science fiction action anime that follows a world where 98% of the human race has been “uploaded” into a digital world. The main character, Angela Balzac, is an agent of the space station DEVA which has been hacked and after attempts to find this hacker, Angela must go to Earth to track them down and stop them.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

A Silent Voice

A Silent Voice

Spoilers Ahead

Seriously, Don’t keep reading if you don’t want to have the movie spoiled!

Just so we’re clear, you are about to read my thoughts that contains a great deal of spoilers concerning “A Silent Voice” which is a 2016 Japanese Animation (Anime) Movie, if this is correct, thanks for being here and read on! 

This story is based around the following two main characters:

Main Girl- Shouko Nishimiya
Main Guy- Shouya Ishida

I loved this film, it has very strong emotional features such as Shouya’s PTSD where he has blocked out the world and when something reminded him of when he was bullied or feeling like he’s about to revert back to a life of being bullied he would shut down or start having panic attacks. It also deals with thoughts of suicide. 

The plot, let’s start off here! So Shouko transfers to a new school, the teacher is straight up crap, he never attempted to assist Shouko, he’d turn to face the board so she couldn’t read his lips, and he saw them all bullying her but he pointed out ONE kid who I know he had to have seen become the target of bullies after calling him out, seriously, why is this man allowed to teach. I never saw an ounce of anything good about the guy, I would go as far as to say that him doing nothing about it even though he knew it was going on and could point out one of the main antagonists, he also bullied her. I didn’t realize I hated that teacher so much until I started typing this out, but wow, he was probably worse than the kids for standing by and not stopping it as an authoritative figure. 

One of the girls, Naoka, seems to make an attempt at being Shouko’s friend, she tries writing down notes for her but the teacher speaks to quick for her to keep up. I think her child mind started viewing Shouko has someone using her to do her work keeping her from being able to do her own work. Shouya is the first to actually start picking on her, he mocks her for the way she reads and while everyone was really harsh to her, it was usually him who hurt her the most by breaking her hearing aids and accidentally physically hurting her, but like the sweet girl she was, she didn’t run away from him or try to make him feel bad for what he’s done to her, as a matter of fact, she told him something about the Moon ;) after they reunited and became very close friends. When we fast forward to them older, Shouya was planning his suicide, he was supposed to do it after seeing Shouko again but his mom and I believe seeing Shouko helped keep him alive long enough to finally have real friends and real meaningful relationships.

More on the plot, the two main characters are bullied as kids, it’s unclear if Shouko continues to be bullied after transferring from the school she attended with Shouya but it seems she feels like she’s a burden on others including her family though her mother, grandma, or sister (who is assumed to be a boy in the beginning, if you know anime, you can never be too sure so never make assumptions, just roll with it) always looked out for her, Yuzuru (Shouko’s litter sister) even hung pictures of dead creatures in hopes if Shouko saw death she wouldn’t keep wishing for it, sadly this may have lead her to believe she was a burden. 

Shouya also has a sister but you NEVER see her face, we meet her daughter, Maria, and her husband, Pedro, but we only ever see the back of her head, her legs, or her face is blocked, I’m still trying to understand this choice. I don’t believe it has anything to do with Shouya’s insecurities as he used Xs to block faces. Not seeing her face has really kept this film in my mind but I have to admit, it was hilarious at first as I pointed it out to my husband every time she “appeared” on screen. He mocked me for nitpicking, but seriously, where is her face? On top of all this, his sister has no name!

Ok back on topic, the art style is bright with pale colors, almost like a dream state at times. I do wish Miki was taught a lesson a bit, the entire movie she always retorts that she never bullied Shouko, that she had no part in that, that she’s 100% innocent but she wasn’t and the movie never really shows her go through something for what she did. Yeah, I might have some weird revenge stick up my butt but Naoka didn’t have to go through anything either, she even became good buddies at the end. I guess that’s the moral of the story, people can change from when they were kids, you can forgive and move past a painful time in your life. 

Those are my current thoughts, let me know what you thought about the film, I’ll try not to ramble on too much next time! Watch with ya later! A Silent Voice is available for viewing on multiple sites, I watched on Netflix.

I still want some type of revenge, freaking several years later still out here hating a girl for doing absolutely nothing to her. 

Disclaimer: This podcast, blog, and all other accounts is not associated with, funded or sponsored by Funimation or any other anime streaming sites.

Been Absent

Hi everyone!

Sorry I haven’t made my first official podcast yet, I sadly haven’t received my recording materials yet though I was told they’d be here by June 17th! Never fear though I have finally made contact with my merchandise’s evil capturer’s, they informed me they will release the hostages very soon as it was apparently out of stock at time I purchased... Great! So I will update when I finally have them at my door! Thanks for standing by, have a great day!

Friday, June 14, 2019

Welcome to From A to .Hack’s Blog, First Post Intro! Woot!

Hi and welcome to my blog!
My Original Character

This is my first time creating a blog but I’m sure it’ll be fun figuring out and jotting down my thoughts. If you’re here you likely know about my new anime podcast either through Twitter (@Anime_Wha) or from the podcast’s homepage, maybe you found me out of shear luck and curiosity, whatever the reason, I’m glad to have you here! 

On this blog, I’ll be posting after thoughts from my podcast and summarizing the podcasts. “From A to .Hack” is an incredible journey, it’s an adventure through the Funimation App, where I will be watching EVERY anime available starting from the beginning in alphabetical order and presenting my thoughts, feelings, and criticisms of each one in Podcast Form. Movies will take 1 Week and Seasons will take 1 Month before a podcast will be uploaded, which is where this blog comes in. As I’m watching episodes I will be posting after thoughts so you won’t have to wait the full month to know some of how I feel about the shows. The podcast will be uploaded to YouTube & Soundcloud on Wednesdays.

My first podcast is planned for June 19th with guest fan, Kalip (BlackJayce) Hicks! We will be discussing 009Re:Cyborg, a 2012 Anime Film that follows humans transformed into cyborgs for evil intentions! Check it out before the podcast and let me know your thoughts!

Disclaimer: This podcast, blog, and all other accounts is not associated with, funded or sponsored by Funimation or any other anime streaming sites.

Podcast Prep - 18if Episode 2

Podcast number 2 will be uploaded soon! We watched 18if Season 1 Episode 2! 18if is a 2017 anime series that can be viewed on many places bu...